Sharing Economy: Review of Current Research and Future Directions
March 06 2018

Published: Customer Needs and Solutions 5(1-2) 93-106
Coauthors: Chakravarthi Narasimhan, Purushottam Papatla, Baojun Jiang, Praveen K. Kopalle, Paul R. Messinger, Sridhar Moorthy, Davide Proserpio, Upender Subramanian, and Ting Zhu
The sharing economy, in which ordinary con- sumers also act as sellers, is attracting much interest from scholars and practitioners. The rapid growth of this sector of the economy and the emergence of several large brands like Uber and Airbnb raise several interest- ing questions that need to be researched. We therefore review and summarize the extant research on this sector and suggest several additional directions for future research.
Keywords: Sharing economy, Peer-to-peer trade, Platforms
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